Saturday, March 3, 2012

Mermaids of the Deep Blue

I have been slowly progressing on these girls for the past couple of weeks. I became very ill and I thought it was just food poisoning.... Err.... Not the case. I had a horrible flu and my nieces and nephew got it as well. So we're all three of us have been cuddling on the couch watching all the Scooby Doo movies we have. Once I have gotten over this bug I will drink a glass of wine. I have on waiting for me! :D.


  1. Sorry you've been so poorly..Scooby Doo is a good choice to cheer you up :)
    Your mermaid looks fantastic.
    Am now following you too:)

  2. Thank you Lesley!

    Scooby is one of my fav tv cartoons of all time. even though there are some other contenders, Scooby is really creative and fun.

